For several years I have taught in mixed-age classes, usually with first, second, and third graders but also with fourth and fifth graders. I have also taught Kindergarten and worked with "at-risk" students and students who are English Learners.
This page is a very small sample of some of my students' Math Work.
Click here to see samples of my students' Reading and Writing Work
Click here to see samples of Kindergarten Students' Work
Click here to see samples of Fourth / Fifth Grade Students' Work
Giant Story Problems
I almost always introduce story problems with Giant Story Problems. Students first work in groups, then with partners, and finally independently.
The chart-sized Giant Story Problem at right was the first introduction to story problems in my Kindergarten class. Students took turns coming to the chart to draw out the problem, write the equation, and then write the sentence to answer the question.
Multiplication with multidigit numbers is the concept addressed with this story problem solved by a group of fourth graders.
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Giant Story Problems!
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This story problem was done by second grade English Language learners.
Individual Story Problems
After working with Giant Story Problems, I like my students to do story problems one at a time. They draw pictures of what's happening in the story, then write the equations, and also write a sentence telling the answer to the question.
In this story problem, each knight has three horses, so the student sees that he has three "five times" ~ thus, the equation needed is 5x3.
Before getting into perimeter activities, I like to find out what students already know. Later, to extend the learning, I have them create their own shapes on graph paper and calculate the perimeter. These samples are from 4th and 5th grade students.
Reading and Writing Work Kindergarten Work
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